Factors to Consider When Choosing The Best Tennis Racket

Head size Power is closely correlated with head size; given all other factors being equal, a larger head will produce more power than a smaller head. Additionally, a bigger head provides a bigger sweet spot and hitting area, which increases the forgiveness of off-center smashes. Today’s racquets are available in head sizes from 93 to 135 square inches, with 97-100 being the most popular. For many players, racquets with 100 square inches or more offer a good balance of power and control. In general, more experienced players prefer smaller racquet heads because they want greater control, whereas beginners and intermediate players want larger racquet heads because they want more power and a bigger sweet spot. Length Tennis racquets for adults typically measure 27 inches in length, however, they can also be found in lengths between 26.5 and 29 inches (29 inches is the legal maximum for tournament play). All other factors being equal, a longer racquet offers greater reach on groundstrokes, more leverage on serves, and somewhat more power overall than a standard-length racquet. Longer racquets have a higher swing weight due to their increased length, which makes moving the racquet slightly more difficult. In order to maintain their maneuverability even at extended lengths, many power racquets are lighter.

Frame stiffness

We rate each frame according to its rigidity (RA). On our racquet description pages, you may find the RA in the specifications tables. A broad explanation of how to decode the measurements is provided below: Flexible frame = 63 and below Medium stiffness = 64 to 67 Stiff frame = 68 and above A frame’s power potential directly depends on how much it deflects when it makes contact with the ball. A stiffer racquet bends less, which uses less of the ball’s energy. A flexible racquet bends more, causing a greater loss of energy. The idea that a flexible racquet will return more force to the ball because of a catapult effect is widespread among players. Three to five milliseconds, or significantly less time than it takes for a frame to recover, are spent by the ball on the strings. Therefore, a racquet frame absorbs energy rather than “returning” it to the ball; the amount it does so depends on the stiffness of the frame. A stiffer racquet uses less power than a flexible racquet since it doesn’t deflect as much impact. Not only does frame rigidity impact power. There are issues of comfort and control. A racquet that offers more power typically offers less control. But a lot depends on the kind of player, their skill level, and the kind of string used in the racquet. The idea that a flexible racquet will return more force to the ball because of a catapult effect is a widespread one among players. A skilled player who has a long, swift swing and generates his or her own force may prefer the feel and control of a flexible racquet. However, a beginner or intermediate player can like a stiffer racquet for a greater balance of control and power in accordance with their preferred stroke style. When paired with a stiffer, more control-focused string, many advanced players also prefer a frame that is stronger and more rigid. The end result enables the skilled player to strike with great force and spin. At the highest level, a powerful racquet coupled with a stiff, spin-friendly string has come to define the modern power game. Amateur players may have comfort difficulties with a stiff string and stiff racquet. In general, stiffer racquets are less pleasant than more flexible racquets, but only to a certain extent. In comparison to a medium stiff frame, a very stiff frame will transmit greater impact shock to the wrist, elbow, and shoulder. Since each player has a unique view of what is comfortable, comfort is difficult to quantify. However, athletes having issues with their arms or shoulders should examine frames with an RA of 66 or less.

Weight and balance

When picking up and swinging a racquet on a tennis court, these two qualities have the biggest impact on how it feels. Weight: A heavier racquet has greater power, stability, and shock absorption than a lighter racquet (all other things being equal). When the stringbed of a heavy racquet makes contact with the ball, the additional weight helps it win the conflict. As a result, the ball feels stable and the racquet seems to be driving through it. When describing and reviewing products, we frequently use the phrase “excellent plow through” to describe racquets with these advantageous characteristics. Players with long, quick strokes from the baseline will find good depth and pace from heavier racquets. The additional steadiness is a pleasant bonus at net and on-service returns. A player may position the racquet more easily and produce more spins with a lighter racquet because it is easier to maneuver (thanks to easier access to a faster swing). On-court players may easily handle the racquet during fast exchanges at the net and whip the ball with spin to help create better angles for lobs and passing shots. Remember that if a racquet is too light, you can always add weight to it. But it’s nearly hard to lighten racquet weight. Balance: When it comes to balance, a racquet can be either headlight, head heavy, or balanced. More of the mass of a head-light racquet will be found near the handle end of the racquet. Despite being the heaviest type of racquet, the majority of traditional players use headlamps to help them feel agile. Power racquets that are lightweight often have a heavy head. Despite the racquet having a modest overall weight, some stability is maintained since there is a lot of bulk near the head of the racquet. The medium-weight racquets are now all that is left. Without making the racquet too heavy or too light, stability and mobility can be combined when the mass is distributed uniformly across the shaft.


A racquet’s swing weight is a measurement of how heavy it feels in your hands. Higher swing-weight racquets are more difficult to swing yet provide better comfort, power, and stability at impact. Lower swing-weight racquets are simpler to swing but provide less stability and comfort, particularly when playing against faster opponents. Higher swing weights are preferred by advanced players because they allow them to reroute the pace of powerful opponents. They can also reach very high power levels thanks to it. Beginner and intermediate players like a lower swing weight because it makes acceleration simpler for them to create the greater stroke speed necessary for effective pace and spin. This helps them position the racquet more effectively. Low swing weight = 305 and below  Medium swing weight = 310 to 325  High Swingweight = 325 and above 

String pattern

The string pattern of a racquet has a significant impact on many facets of its overall performance and feel, yet is frequently disregarded by many recreational players. String patterns are usually divided into open and closed. Greater ball rebound and a higher launch angle are provided by an open string pattern because it will deflect more on impact than a denser pattern. Open string patterns need to feel more lively when strung at the same tension (in similar racquets). In other words, depth and pace will be simpler for a player to access. The main strings can deflect more while the string patterns are open, and with some string kinds, the main strings will snap back into place, adding extra spin. However, the cost of this could be a decrease in string durability. More abrasion from the increased string movement leads to faster string breakage. Less rebound energy will result from a closed string pattern because it won’t deflect as much upon ball hit. A closed pattern’s response is often perceived by players as having a more controlled feel. Although the stringbed limits the amount of string movement that can be used to generate spin, the extra control provided by the closed pattern enables players to swing swiftly, which in turn enables them to get the ball spinning quickly. In order to use softer, thinner, and more feel-oriented strings without significantly reducing durability, more closely spaced strings can last longer.
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